Dr Matt Kanwit: Finding Success as a Graduate Student: Balancing Independence and Available Resources During Difficult Times

August 28, 2020 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm


Finding Success as a Graduate Student:  

Balancing Independence and Available Resources During Difficult Times 

Dr. Matthew Kanwit 

With PhD students Alexus Brown and Sean Nonnenmacher 

Department of Linguistics 



Graduate studies offer challenges throughout program trajectories, as students adapt to new expectations and forms of evaluation. Challenges can be exacerbated if students are isolated from peers and mentors. In spite of these challenges, successful students find an appropriate combination of independence and support from the resources available to them to meet individual and programmatic goals, even from afar. The current workshop offers concrete suggestions for ways to increase independence, while also noting areas of support for students during a time when support is more necessary than ever. Faculty feedback from prior graduate studies and current expectations of students will be provided, in addition to the experiences of current students in varying stages and programs. The workshop is meant to be beneficial to graduate students at all stages, and faculty members and veteran students are encouraged to attend to share their own experiences and perspectives. 

Location and Address

Zoom link: https://pitt.zoom.us/j/99300070114&

The password has been sent to department listservs. To obtain it, contact JuanBerrios@pitt.edu